Node Types

Node Types and Roles

SOLVM's network architecture is built on four distinct node types, each playing a crucial role in maintaining the system's efficiency, security, and accessibility

1 , Validator Nodes

  • Role: Transaction processing, block generation, maintaining network consensus

  • Requirements: SOVM staking, high performance hardware

  • Selection mechanism: Probabilistic selection + ranking based on performance metrics

2 , Relay Nodes

  • Role: Transaction propagation, enhancing network connectivity

  • Requirements: Moderate performance hardware

  • Incentives: SOVM rewards based on bandwidth provision

3 , Archival Nodes

  • Role: Storage of complete historical data, support for audits and analysis

  • Storage requirements: Large capacity storage, able to accommodate annual growth

  • Data structure: Custom compression algorithm + differential storage

4 , Light Clients

  • Function: Sending transactions, balance checks, simplified state verification

  • Implementation: Mobile wallets, browser extensions

  • Security: Verification through Merkle proofs, support for fraud proofs

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