What is SOLVM?

SOLVM is an innovative Layer 2 scaling solution designed for the Solana blockchain, combining high performance with enhanced privacy and security features. Here's an overview of its key components and features

1 , Core Technology

  • Built on Solana's high-throughput, low-latency blockchain

  • Utilizes zk-STARKs (Zero-Knowledge Scalable Transparent Arguments of Knowledge) for efficient and private transaction processing

2 , Network Architecture

  • Two-layer structure

    • L1 (Base Layer): Solana mainnet

    • L2 (SOLVM Core): zk-rollup layer for transaction processing

  • Four types of nodes

    • Validator Nodes

    • Relay Nodes

    • Archival Nodes

    • Light Clients

3 , Scalability Solutions

  • zk-Rollup: Core scaling technology with dynamic batch sizing and advanced compression

  • Plasma Cash: Flexible child chain structure for specific applications

  • State Channels: Efficient off chain transactions for frequent interactions

4 , Privacy Features

  • Address Anonymization: Using Stealth Address Protocol and per-transaction address rotation

  • Transaction Amount Concealment: Confidential Transactions with Bulletproofs

5 , Key Benefits

  • High throughput: Capable of processing up to 120,000 TPS

  • Low latency: Average confirmation time of 0.5 seconds on L2

  • Enhanced privacy: Advanced cryptographic techniques protect user identities and transaction details

  • Compatibility: Seamless integration with Solana's existing ecosystem and dApps

6 , Use Cases

  • DeFi applications requiring high-speed, private transactions

  • NFT marketplaces with enhanced security and privacy

  • Gaming and microtransaction platforms benefiting from low fees and quick confirmations

SOLVM aims to address the scalability challenges of the Solana network while introducing robust privacy features, positioning itself as a comprehensive solution for the next generation of decentralized applications.

Last updated